3 Quotes & Sayings By Christina Henriquez

Christina Henriquez is a proud mother and wife who loves to share her love for God, Jesus, and family. She has been married to her husband for over 12 years; they have three children and live in the Tampa Bay area. Christina loves spending time with her children and family, especially when she can use her crafty skills to decorate the home. She enjoys teaching them about Christ and His Word Read more

Her favorite place to read is her rocking chair on the porch watching the sun set and listening to the birds sing.

I had witnessed the sort of atrocities during the war...
I had witnessed the sort of atrocities during the war that threaten to steal a man's soul. Christina Henriquez
I had witnessed the sort of atrocities during the war...
I had witnessed the sort of atrocities during the war than threaten to steal a man's soul. Christina Henriquez